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Week of November 16, 2015

  • Reading Skill - Compare and contrast a firsthand and secondhand account of the same event or topic; Describe the differences in focus and the information provided.

  • Writing - Opinion Writing

  • Grammar - Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. 

Week of November 9, 2015

  • ​Reading Skill - Compare and contrast firsthand (primary) and secondhand (secondary) accounts of the same event or topic

  • Grammar Focus - Pronouns

  • ​Writing Focus - Opinion Writing

  • Language Focus - Formal/informal language

Vocabulary: formal, informal, fact, opinion, minerals, rocks

Week of November 2, 2015

  • ​Reading Skill - Describing in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text.  (Me and Uncle Romie)

  • Grammar Focus - Compound and Complex Sentences

  • ​Writing Focus - Informative/Explanatory Writing

  • Language Focus - Multiple Meaning Words and Phrases.  

Vocabulary: adventurous, fair, suspicious, polite, generous, peculiar, rude


Week of October 26, 2015

  • ​Reading Skill - Describing characters in a play by their traits (Invasion from Mars, pg. 174)

  • Grammar Focus - Progressive Verb Tenses

  • ​Writing Focus - Informative/Explanatory Writing

  • Language Focus - Suffixes

Vocabulary: alarmed, reacted, convey, daring, awe, luminous, indescribable, extraordinary, fade, conferring (pg. 170-171)



Week of October 19, 2015

  • ​Reading Skill- Interpreting Visual Information (Text Features)

  • ​Writing Focus - Informative/Explanatory Writing

Vocabulary: diagram, graph, timeline, photo

Week of October 12, 2015

  • Spelling Pattern- compound words

  • Unit 3, Lesson 11 - Hurricanes: Earth's Mightiest Storms, pg. 320-338

  • Grammar Skill- Verb Tenses

  • Language Focus - Synonyms

  • Reading Skill- Visuals 

  • ​Writing Focus - Informative/Explanatory Writing

Vocabulary: rapidly, condense, source, rotating, rage, experience, ancient, predict, registered (pgs. 316-317)


Week of October 5, 2015


  • Spelling Pattern- Words with short and long i


  • Reading Skill- Describe the overall structure (e.g. chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text or part of a text.


  • Grammar Skill- Verbs, Unit 6 (pg. 194-195 - Quiz this week!), Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.


  • Language Focus - Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases by using context clues, analyzing meaningful word parts, and consulting general and specialized reference materials, as appropriate. Use common, grade-appropriate Greek and Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of word.


  • Writing Focus - Informative/Explanatory Writing


Spelling - Words with Short and Long i


  • skill

  • crime

  • grind

  • tonight

  • brick

  • flight

  • live

  • chill

  • delight

  • build

  • ditch

  • decide

  • witness

  • wind

  • district

  • inch

  • sigh

  • fright

  • remind

  • split




  • isolated

  • virtual

  • devour

  • remote

  • impassable

  • access

  • obtain

  • preserve

  • extremes

  • avid



Week of September 28, 2015


  • Spelling Pattern- Words with -ed or -ing

  • Reading Skill- Describe the overall structure of events (The Earth Dragon Awakes, pg. 348-359)

  • Grammar Skill- Verbs, Unit 6 (pg. 194-195 - Quiz this week!)

  • Language Focus - Synonyms

  • Writing Focus - Informative/Explanatory Writing

Vocabulary: trembles, wreckage, slab, possessions, tenement, crushing, rubble, debris, timbers, constructed (pg. 344-345)

Spelling - Words with -ed or -ing


  • rising

  • traced

  • stripped

  • slammed

  • dancing

  • striped

  • winning

  • snapping

  • bragging

  • handled

  • dripped

  • begged

  • dared

  • skipped

  • hitting

  • spotted

  • raced

  • dimmed

  • spinning

  • escaped


Week of September 21, 2015




Spelling Pattern- No new spelling words this week

Reading Skill- Determine the theme of a story (The Power of W.O.W., pg. 110-121; additional passages/poems will be used)

Grammar Skill- Proper Nouns, Unit 1 Lesson 5 (pg. 162-163 - Quiz this week!

Language Focus - Prefixes and Suffixes

Writing Focus - Informative/Explanatory Writing

Vocabulary: assist, burglaries, innocent, scheme, regretfully, misjudged, suspect, favor, speculated, prior (pg. 106-107)





Week of April 27, 2015



Reading: We are still reading HOOT as a class and the boys are really enjoying it.  They have finished and turned in their Florida/Montana Brochures and they look great!


Vocabulary For Chapters 10 - 12


Excursion - A trip or outing

Appraising - Judging or measuring

Bleakly - Hopelessly; miserably

Enticed - Lured or attracted

Ballistic - Very angry, upset or excited

Leery - Uncertain or suspicious of



Vocabulary For Chapters 13 - 15


Perilous - Very dangerous

Dilapidated - In very bad shape

Patronizing - Condescending, treating someone as though you are better or smarter

Reconnaissance - Exploration for the purpose of getting information

Apprehension - Hesitation due to fear or suspicion

Derelict - Abandoned or neglected


We will have our test on Chapters 10 - 12 on Tuesday, April 28 and Chapters 13 - 15 on Wednesday, April 29.


Week of April 20, 2015



Reading: We are still reading HOOT as a class and the boys are really enjoying it.  


Vocabulary For Chapters 10 - 12









We will have our test on Monday, April 27.


Writing, we will have our Opinion Writing Test on Tuesday, April 21, 2015.


Study Island is due on Sunday, April 26.  There are two they need to complete. Please remember these are project grades!


Week of April 13, 2015



Reading: We started reading HOOT as a class and the boys are really enjoying it.  We will have a test on Chapters 1-3 tomorrow, Tuesday, April 14. 


Chapters 1 - 3


Consternation - A strong sense of disappointment that causes confusion

Juvenile - Young; related to youth

Malicious - Meaning to cause harm

Deciphered - Decoded or figured out

Heedlessly - Without paying close attention

Methodically - Working carefully and with organization


We will have new words on Wednesday for Chapters 4 - 6.


Week of March 30, 2015



Reading: The boys will be taking their FSA Reading tests this week Tuesday and Wednesday.


Writing:   We will be taking a short break. 


Week of March 9, 2015



Writing Standard:

LAFS.4.W.1.2 (DOK 2) Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.


Reading Standard:

LAFS.4.RI.3.9 Integrate information from two text on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject

-identify the most important points in two texts

-identify the key details in two texts

-identify the differences in key details

-compare/contrast the most important points in two different texts on the same topic

- compare/contrast the key details in two different texts on the same topic

-Distinguish between key details and important points

LAFS.4.RI.3.7 (DOK 3) Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively (in charts, graphs, diagrams, timelines, animations, or interactive elements on web pages) and explain how the information contributes to an understanding of the text in which it appears


Grammar Standard:

LAFS.4.L.2.3a Choose words and phrases to convey ideas precisely.  

Spelling Quiz: Friday, March 13
Domain Vocabulary Quiz: 
Cold Read Test: 


Domain Vocabulary: 

multiple paragraph, convey, informative, opinion, topic, structure, specific details, sources, secondhand, revise, relevant, reflection, key details, linking words, paraphrasing, primary sources, proofread, proof, conventions, contrast, conclude, conclusion, evidence, edit, audience, accounts, cite, compare


Academic Vocabulary: reward, graduate, symbol, foster, disobey, confidence, patiently, confesses, ceremony, performs


Spelling Words: Journeys Lesson 17, glance, judge, damage, package, twice, stage, carriage, since, practice, marriage, baggage, office, message,  bridge, chance, notice, ridge, manage, palace, bandage


STUDY ISLAND ASSIGNMENT: "Context Clues and Multiple Meaning Words" DUE SUNDAY, March 15

The spelling assessments are divided into two portions:

1. Spell 20 words correctly

2. Use a word with the same spelling pattern in a sentence. It will a sentence that demonstrates the students knowledge of the current grammar skill, and all spelling and grammar will be counted.

Vocabulary/Comprehension assessments:

This is a twenty question multiple choice quiz that is tied with the anchor text of the week and has a 10 question section of comprehension and another 10 question section on vocabulary


Cold Reads/Florida Test Power assessments:

Cold Reads entail a reading passage along with five comprehension questions about the passage. This is combined with another 5-6 questions with the same passage format. The questions connect with what we've been learning in class.

**For this type of assessment students must really understand the study skill of the week to be able to understand the questions.


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